Eco Designs

eco designs website design

Eco Designs uses a pre-built WordPress theme. Pixel Created installed and set up the theme on Eco Designs Hosting that then allowed Eco Design to freely change their content and Images at ease.

Going forward, Eco Designs do not need support from me as he finds the website easy enough to maintain their own content. However, we do stay in touch on a regular basis as friends.

Benefits of the new website


Do you need help with a website?
Please feel free to contact me below.

Quick Quote

Please fill out the form below and I will be in touch with a estimate.

Chat to me Live

If you have any questions or need any advice please feel free to chat to me. I’m here from 9am – 10pm, Monday – Sunday

WhatsApp, Call or Text

I’m available on WhatsApp. Alternatively send me a text or give me a call.  I’m here from 9am – 10pm, Monday – Sunday.